Daniel Melim
Daniel Melim (1979), born and raised in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Since 2000, he has been engaging in urban interventions using stencils, reviving this medium with historical significance as the origin of street art in Brazil.
His production is characterized by the selection of locations, seeking deteriorated spaces that provide numerous compositional elements (color, texture, position).
Some of these works are located in distant neighborhoods of ABC Paulista (suburbs of São Paulo), such as the Jardim Limpão Project, reaching an audience that typically has limited access to art.
In addition to his street works, he has been presenting his paintings, which evolved through experiences in urban intervention work, in galleries and museums in Brazil and abroad. These include Galeria Choque Cultural, AfroBrasil Museum, Latin America Memorial, Valencia Biennale in Spain, MASP, and other spaces and institutions
worldwide. He worked as an art educator in various social projects in Greater São Paulo and has been developing many others in the suburbs of São Paulo. His distinctive style has also been featured in publications such as Caros Amigos Magazine, Ele e Ela, Le Mound, Defish (Belgium), among others.
photo by: João Liberato
5 questions to Daniel:
1. Name 3 artists that inspire you.
* There are a lot of artists that inspire me, but at the moment I'm studying Larry Rivers, Larry Walker and Rauschenberg.
2. Where do you live and with whom?
* I live in São Bernardo, industrial area of São Paulo. With my wife, my son and my dog.
3. Do you like to cook or bake?
* I like to cook. Simple, traditional brazilian everyday food... my family likes it a lot.
4. Do you have a favourite holiday destination?
* My favorite destination on vacation is the beaches on the coast of São Paulo.
5. I know you have been doing art in areas of the city where people are not so lucky and live in poverty can you tell in short about that?
* About painting in the neighborhoods, I live in an industrial region of São Paulo, populated by people from different parts of Brazil looking for a job in the industrial boom of the region in the 70s. Building an enormous cultural wealth, but with huge inequality also. It's where I was born and where I still live, so it was normal to paint in these regions. But over time I understood this better and observed how graffiti somehow increased the neighborhood's self-esteem, enabled access to this art and later became a tool to access children and young people as a social project that I developed voluntarily in 2006 until today. The periphery already has a culture in itself, but everything that can enhance access and other forms of artistic manifestations contributes to human development, wherever it may be.
Exhibition Solo Reconstruciao - Fundaciao lbereCamargo - RS - Brasil
Riscos e Rabiscos - Junho/2019 - Collective - Farol Santander - SP - Brasil
Exhibition Solo 'Rouge' - Janeiro/2018 - LKB/G Gallery - Hamburg – Alemanha
Exhibition Solo- FUNARTE - Setembro/2017 - Sao Paulo – Brasil
Residencia Artfstica - Dezembro/2016 - Mural Politica e Diversidade - Memorial da Resistencia - SP - Brasil
Os Muitos e O Um - Collective - Setembro/2016 - Inst. Tomie Ohtake - SP - Brasil
Espaco Livre - Collective - Julho/2016 - Museu Afro Brasil - Sao Paulo - Brasil
Festival Concrete - Novembro/2015 - Dragao do Mar - Fortaleza - CE – Brasil
Exhibition Solo Quintal de Fabrica - Novembro/2014 - Oma Galeria - Sao Bernardo - SP - Brasil
Mostra Joga Bola - Julho/2014 - Rich Mix - Landres – lnglaterra
Residencia Artfstica PONTE - Agosto/2013 - CCBN - Juazeiro do Norte - CE - Brasil
Residencia Artfstica - Junho/2013 - Projeto Southbank - Landres - lnglaterra
Exhibition collective Institute Brasileia - Janeiro/2011 - Basel - Suica
Exhibition Solo Dentro da Tela - Marcio/2010 - Acervo da Galeria Choque Cultural - SP - Brasil
Exhibition collective De Dentro Pra Fora - Novembro/2009 - MASP - Sao Paulo - Brasil
I/Legitimo - collective - Outubro/2008 - Pacio das Artes - Sao Paulo - Brasil
Melbourne Stencil Festival - Agosto/2008 - Australia
Exhibition Solo Pop Revisitadol - Jullho/2008 - Galeria Choque Cultural - Sao Paulo - Brasil
The Cans Festival - Abril/2008 - Leake Street- Landres - lnglaterra
Bresil Urb'art - Maio/2008 - IGS - Paris – Franca
Street Collours - Outubro/2007 - Exhibition collective - Ocontemporary Gallery - Brighton - lnglaterra Collective
Choque Cultural - Setembro/2007 - Nathalie Duchayne Gallerie - St. Tropez - Franca
Ut Pictura Diversitas - Agosto/2007 - Pintura e Diversidade - Memorial da America Latina - Sao Paulo
Bienal de Valencia - Marc;o/2007 - Encontro entre os Mares - Museu Del Carmen - Valencia - Espanha
Sprays, 0 Novo Muralismo Latino-Americana - Novembro/2006 - Memorial da America Latina-SP
Exhibition Collective "Territ6rio Ocupado" - Outubro/2006 - Museu Afro-Brasil - SP
Pixo, Logo Existo - Outubro/2006 - lntervenciao na Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo - SP
Exhibition Solo Suburbias e Recortes - Julho/2006 - Galeria Choque Cultural - SP
Melbouner Stencil Festival 06 - Maio/2006 – Australia
lntervencao - Junho/2005 - 2 ° Salao de Maio - Salvador - Bahia
Melbourne Stencil Festival 05 - Fevereiro/2005 – Australia
Encontro - Melim e Rodrigo Souto - Setembro/2004 - Centro Cultural Faine - Sto Andre -SP
A Hist6ria do Graffiti no ABC - Setembro/2004 - Salao de Exposic;6es - Sto. Andre - SP
7° Urbano Arte Contemporanea - Junho/2004- FASCS - Sao Caetano – SP
Labor II - Outubro/2003 - Mostra coletiva em uma antiga fabrica - Mo6ca / SP
6° Urbano Arte Contemporanea - Junho/2003 - FASCS - Sao Caetano/SP
Exhibition Solo - Abril/2003 - Teatro Lauro Gomes - Sao Bernardo/ SP
0 Livro de Cabeceira - Agosto/2002 - Museu da Casa Brasileira - Sao Paulo/ SP
5° Urbano Arte Contemporanea - Maio/2002 - FASCS - Sao Caetano/ SP
lnstalacao Multimfdia Lado B - Marco/2002 - Teatro Municipal de Maua - Maua / SP
Lado B Mostra Conjunta de Arte - Outubro/2001 - Espac;o Cultural FATEA- Sto. Andre/ SP
Lado B - Collective Art - Junho/2001 - Complexo Cultural Educandario - Maua / SP
Murals and specific projects
2021 - Mural Nossos N6s (Lei Aldir Blanc) - Individual Panel - Biblioteca Municipal - Sao Bernardo - SP
2019 - Mural Lingua - Individual Pane - Museu da Lingua Portuguesa - SP
2018 - Mural Escuta - Painel Collective - MAC USP - SP
2016 - Re-Existir - Mural da Resistencia - Painel Collective - Memorial da Resistencia - SP
2014 - Mural Facebook Brasil - Painel Collective - Facebook Brasil - SP
2013 - Mural Wahaca SouthBank - Individual Pane - Landres - lnglaterra
2013 - Mural da Resistencia - Painel Collective - Memorial da Resistencia - SP
2012 - Mural Pinacoteca de Sao Bernardo - Painel Collective - Pinacoteca de Sao Bernardo – SP
2011 - Mural 191 - Painel Collective - Sao Bernardo do Campo - SP
2011 - Mural da Luz - Individual Pane - Sao Paulo - SP
2008 - Mural IGS - Individual Panel - Group IGS - Paris - Franca
2008 - The Cans Festival - Org. Banksy - Individual Pane - Landres - lnglaterra
Books and Publications:
2022 - 46Pgs Magazine - Croacia
2020 - Stencil Graffiti Handbook, Thames & Hudson, Tristan Manco
2016 - Catalog Os Muitos e o um - Coleicao Andrea e Jose Olympic - Institute Tomie Ohtake,
2010 -Catalog De dentro Pra Fora - MASP
2010 - Catalog Collection Museu de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende - lmprensa Oficial
2008 - Catalog Exhibition I/Legitimo - Pai;o das Artes - lmprensa Oficial
2008 - Paris Street Art- Prester, Romual Stiviene e Vito Del Forte
2007 - Catalog Exhibition Território Ocupado - Museu Afro Brasil - lmprensa Oficial
2007 - Interpreting the Visual -A resource book for teachers, Phoenix Education - Helen S. Joyce e John Gaudin, Australia
2006 - public textbook: Art in High School - Secretaria de Educai;ao do Estado do Parana
2005 - Graffiti Brasil, Thames & Hudson, Tristan Manco
2005 - Graffiti na Cidade de Sao Paulo e suas Vertentes no Brasil, Editora USP
2005 - Stencil Art (independent publication) n° 01 ao 04 .