The Art Fair - Kunst for Alle 2024 KBH
THE ART FAIR - Kunst for alle 2024
Also this year SPACE has a stand on The Art Fair.
You can see a selection of works by the following artists:
* Ange Bell
* Anton Ian Nielsen
* Chris Guest
* Christopher Kieling
* Emma Holm
* Heath Kane
* Jamie Linley
* Jeppe Nedergaard
* Jose Luis Ceña
* Makers Space
* Munu Muñoz
* Philip Bosmans
* Thommas Linnrose
* Sharon Griffin
* Renée Tay
Opening hours:
04.10.2024 - kl. 15.00-20.00
05.10.2024 - kl. 10.00-18.00
06.10.2024 - kl. 10.00-17.00
Otto Busses Vej 5A
DK-2450 København SV