"THE ART FAIR" Kunst For Alle Aarhus

Meet us in Aarhus and see new works of following artist:

* Chris Guest (UK)
* Christopher Kieling (DE)
* Daniel Melim (BR)
* Kim Pihl (DK)
* Sharon Griffin (UK)
* Thommas Linnrose (DK)

"THE ART FAIR" Kunst for Alle

Vester Allé 1
8000 Aarhus C.

The 25th - 28th of January 2024
Thursday 16 - 20
Friday      10 - 19
Saturday 10 - 18
Sunday    10 - 17

We have a limited number of free tickets for the fair.
Send us an email at info@spacegallery.dk, and we will send them to you with great pleasure.
Note, it's first come, first served.

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